Local residents protest plans to build Eglinton LRT extension over Toronto park
Global News
On Saturday, some residents staged a protest near the Eglinton Flats, a park that provincial transit agency Metrolinx plans to run its Eglinton Crosstown West line through.
A group of residents in York South-Weston are calling on the province to rethink its transit plans in the area, citing concerns about how a new LRT could alter local parkland.
On Saturday, protestors staged a protest near the Eglinton Flats, a wetland area and park that provincial transit agency Metrolinx plans to run its Eglinton Crosstown West line above.
Much of the western extension is set to be built underground, with the rapid transit line surfacing around Eglinton flats, and plans for riders to glide above the park on an elevated track. That plan, protestors say, is bad for historical trees and the neighbourhood overall.
The local resident group is named Stop the Trains in Our Parks, or STOP for short.
“The train expressway would run through Eglinton Flats (including Fergy Brown Park), which is some of the most valuable parkland in the city,” its website explains.
The group raises concerns about tree cutting, encroachment into the park and the large tunnel entry and exit ports required to bring the train above ground and then below again.
An Indigenous group has also raised concerns.
In a letter dated Nov. 30, 2022, the Eshkiniigjik Naandwechigegamig, Aabiish Gaa Binjibaaying (ENAGB) Indigenous Youth Agency wrote to the province to complain about the plan.