Local photographer honours father's memory by helping cancer patients reclaim confidence
A local photographer is using her camera skills to help cancer patients reclaim some confidence, while also honouring her father’s memory.
A local photographer is using her camera skills to help cancer patients reclaim some confidence, while also honouring her father’s memory.
Kennedy Tessier offered free photoshoots to women who have or are currently battling breast cancer, and got many enthusiastic responses.
“It’s just something different,” said Faith Norton, one of the models. “Honouring women who are going through a really difficult time is something I wanted to be a part of. I’m in such a different place of my life now after going through all this … It’s something I probably never ever would’ve done before.”
For Tessier, the cause is very personal.
“I lost my dad in 2019 to a rare form of lung cancer. So I’ve been trying to find ways to give back to cancer patients,” the photographer said.
For the women who had the opportunity to model, it created a sense of empowerment.
“It’s very hard for me right now, body image and stuff, trying to find clothes that fit me and stuff,” said Gaylene Galenzoski, another model. “I am usually a very positive person and I believe laughter is the best medicine and to say it’s okay to be positive going through such a big struggle and a big fight.”