‘Local bodies, farmers must coordinate for flood control’
The Hindu
Flood mitigation can be done through canal de-siltation, repairing of bunds, and reconstruction of roads and culverts
A study by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay and Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA) on local level problems and solutions to floods in Lower Kuttanad has called for better coordination between grama panchayats and ‘padashekara samithis’ (local committees of paddy farmers) for effective flood management in the region. The report titled ‘Floods in Lower Kuttanad and Kayal Lands: A Manifesto for Grama Panchayats’ says the flood risks and inundation period vary padashekharam-wise (paddy polder) irrespective of their geographical location. Instead of keeping wards as the lowest governance units, the report suggests making padasekharams the unit of planning and intervention. “The convergence of grama panchayat and padashekara samithi are essential for effective flood management,” reads the report, which was prepared based on studies conducted in Nedumudi and Kainakary.More Related News