Lloyd Austin cancer chicanery shows White House can’t be trusted on Biden’s health
NY Post
If we can’t trust the Biden administration to reveal that the defense secretary has cancer — now, of all times, as the Mideast burns, the Ukraine war rages and China threatens — how can we trust the White House on more important questions?
Like, say, accurate health news about an 81-year-old president in obvious mental and physical decline during an election year?
Yes, House Armed Services Committee Chair Mike Rogers’ probe into Lloyd Austin’s cancer chicanery is beyond justified.
The American people need an accounting, from Austin, of exactly what he was doing from his hospital bed and what on earth he was thinking when he decided to conceal his medical issues.
They also need an accounting from the administration of why it would cooperate with such clumsy dishonesty.
If the stakes weren’t deadly high enough to invite global disaster, the Austin affair would be a comedy of errors.