Liz Peek: Biden's partisan presidency – Dems too far left to reach across the aisle. Here's why
Fox News
The White House claims that bills passed with zero GOP input or votes, like the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, can still be bipartisan, if polls show support from some Republican voters. Sure, and Joe Biden created the vaccines, too.
Just like Barack Obama in 2008, Biden campaigned on a promise to bring the country together and to "work across the aisle." And, just like Obama, Biden has done nothing of the sort. Instead, he has chosen, from Day One of his administration, to follow a narrow partisan path, embracing policies and rhetoric offensive to Republicans. To see just how radical Democrats’ leftward lurch has been, it is interesting to review Obama’s acceptance speech for the Democratic nomination in 2008. It’s intentional, and also unavoidable.More Related News