Little girl’s reaction after seeing clearly with glasses wins the Internet. Watch viral video
India Today
After a few moments into the video, the little girl realises that she can see clearly and gets overjoyed with her new glasses.
The internet is a treasure trove of wholesome videos and stories shared by netizens and one particular story has now gone viral that will definitely make your day. Shared on Twitter by Good News Movement, the clip shows a little girl’s overwhelmed and adorable reaction after getting a pair of new spectacles. "At 2 years old she could barley see as she's extremely farsighted--this is her first time seeing things clearly in her life!" her elated parents tell Good News Movement. pic.twitter.com/hDeRXKw0IE I remember my first glasses, how astounded I was that trees had individual leaves rather than the green “puff” crown drawn by children! I know someone who was color blind and his reactions were priceless when he saw nature colors for the 1st time, he couldn't stop crying, he was in his 50s, when he saw it for the 1st time...Absolute priceless & here ppl take life & its beauty for granted!! Real Magic. pic.twitter.com/97iXuFCG87 I’m extremely near sighted in one eye. I still remember the moment as child when during an eye exam (at school by the way - they used to do that kind of thing for all kids back then) I saw clearly for the first time. It was a revelation! she was just then on the verge of crying, from happiness
The video starts with the father of the two-year-old making her wear a pink pair of glasses. After a few moments, the little one realises that she can see clearly and gets overjoyed with her new glasses. Till the end of the video, she puts the glasses on and off to see the difference in her sight and gets super excited.