Littered Tobacco Products Clean-Up Costs India $766 Million A Year: WHO
Marking 'World No Tobacco Day', the global health organisation said Tuesday that every year the tobacco industry costs the world more than eight million human lives
The economic impact of cleaning up littered tobacco products fall on taxpayers, rather than the industry creating the problem and each year, this costs India about $766 million, the World Health Organisation said.
Marking 'World No Tobacco Day', the global health organisation said Tuesday that every year the tobacco industry costs the world more than eight million human lives, 600 million trees, 200,000 hectares of land, 22 billion tonnes of water and 84 million tonnes of CO2.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) revealed new information on the extent to which tobacco damages both the environment and human health, calling for steps to make the industry more accountable for the destruction it is causing.
WHO said products like cigarettes, smokeless tobacco and e-cigarettes add to the build-up of plastic pollution. Cigarette filters contain microplastics and make up the second-highest form of plastic pollution worldwide.