Life is ‘precious,’ no such thing as a life that is ‘disposable,' says Mike Huckabee
Fox News
Former Governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee weighs in on nationwide protests following the Supreme Court leak.
MIKE HUCKABEE: It intimidates people. It's the logic of terrorism. If you scare people into not speaking up and standing up, you win. Not because you had a better argument, but because you intimidated the other side into silence. And that's why it's so important that people who have conscience and people who have convictions about the intrinsic worth and value of every human life, and pro-life people, we don't hate women, we love all people, women and men both. But we believe that life is precious and there's no such thing as a life that's disposable or expendable. And we think that every human being deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. And we believe that the child with Down syndrome is equally valuable, as is the captain of the football team. And we just want to keep our culture so that we elevate human life rather than denigrate human life.