Liberals’ online streaming bill set to become law after passing Senate
Global News
A federal bill that will force digital platforms like Netflix and YouTube to contribute financially to Canadian content is on the cusp of becoming law.
A federal bill that will force digital platforms like Netflix and YouTube to contribute financially to Canadian content is on the cusp of becoming law.
The Liberals’ online streaming bill passed its final vote in the Senate today and is now just awaiting royal assent.
The bill updates the Broadcasting Act to bring online streaming platforms under the regulatory authority of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission.
It also sets steep penalties for digital platforms that don’t make Canadian content available to their users in Canada.
The government says the bill will not apply to individuals who post on social media which had been a chief concern of opponents to the bill.
It will apply to platforms like Facebook and TikTok that distribute commercial programs like sporting events or live singing competitions.
Once the bill receives royal assent a policy directive will be issued to the CRTC, which is required to develop regulations following consultations with the public.
Quebec Sen. Marc Gold, the Liberal government’s representative in the Senate, says platforms that make money from their commercial activities must reinvest in Canadian creators and local content.