Lest we lose to subtlety
The Hindu
Whether in our body or environment, disease mostly does not announce itself at the outset
It was just a subtle “click” in my right knee, a few years ago. Since then, the knee has been drawing my attention every now and then with a faint “creak” much like a hinge without grease. Occasionally, it would send a sharp pain, lest I forget its presence. The subtle reminders ensured that I take care while climbing stairs and be regular with exercise to strengthen my limb muscles. My parents too had similar knee problems and learned to live with it well into their eighties and nineties. Osteoarthritis had crept in with subtlety and stayed on with constant reminders.
The manifestation of another common chronic disease, diabetes, is different. It is often “silent” and the symptoms, if any, are vague. Many patients accept their high blood sugar levels as “normal” for them and become complacent about diet and drugs. Unfortunately, the seriousness sinks in only when complications occur. Heart attack, stroke and kidney failure are the extreme end of the spectrum of diabetes that has remained uncontrolled for several years. Raising awareness before the disease strikes is a challenge for the proponents of preventive medicine.
It is imperative to check blood sugar, blood pressure and body weight regularly and be aware of healthy lifestyles. Adherence to such a regimen and responsibility for personal health remain with individuals.