Law enforcement's fears are changing amid anti-police rhetoric
Fox News
Retired Tulsa police Sgt. Sean Larkin voiced his concern over a more hostile anti-police environment Saturday on "Watters’ World," noting the fears law enforcement officials in America experience amid a rise in crime and a push to make police the “bad guys.”
Larkin noted that the fears law enforcement have are no longer being hurt or killed in the line of duty, but rather being "smeared" for doing their job. "What we are worried about, especially now, is having your name smeared through social media if there is something you didn’t do wrong," he noted. "It’s for being civilly sued for something you didn’t do wrong, for having your department investigate you cause of a bogus allegation that came and you are put on basically time-out on the department. Those are the things that we are worried about." Following the death of George Floyd in May of 2020 and the push to cut funding for law enforcement, many major American cities have seen an uptick in violent crime, for which some Americans blame Democrat leadership.More Related News