Latina voter tells WaPo she’s lost faith in Democrats to handle education: All ‘politics and not about kids’
Fox News
The Washington Post profiled the push to attract Latino voters from both sides, with former Democratic Latina voters saying the GOP better aligned with their values.
"They basically told me that if they are supportive [of school choice], they cannot put their face to it because it will mean that they will lose their seat," she said. "I basically realized it was about politics and not about kids. It was like a growing-up moment. It was like, ‘Oh, I’ve been very naive to think it’s about the kids,'" she told the Post. Kristine Parks is an associate editor for Fox News Digital. Read more.
Another ex-Democrat, Iris Ramos Jones, came to the United States from Ecuador nine years ago and told the paper that her values of "family, freedom and hard work" were more in line with the GOP's values.