Langford humanitarian group bringing medical supplies on next Ukraine trip
The first trip in late June focused on feeding those displaced by the war. This trip will focus on medical supplies, currently housed at the Langford Fire Hall. As well, an assortment of fire rescue equipment will be donated, including a Jaws of Life.
Vitaliia Atamanuk has been living at the Ukrainian Safe Haven in East Sooke since September, along with her two kids and her mother.
Fleeing the war in Ukraine, her husband Oleg – a general surgeon like her – has come to Vancouver Island to visit with his family.
Next week, Oleg will be returning to Ukraine, where he is desperately needed.
He practices in the west of the country, away from the front lines, but the hospital system there has still become overwhelmed with soldiers and civilians critically injured during the ongoing war with Russia.
On Wednesday, Oleg was given a specialized surgical drill to take with him back to Ukraine. It is a tool that is used to drill through bone for setting pins and rods into a patient.
Developer Seacliff Properties, which will soon break ground on the Royal Beach Development in Colwood, purchased and donated the drill.
“We just wanted to lend our support in providing that equipment to ensure they are as best equipped as possible to help the people of Ukraine,” said Georgia Desjardins, Seacliff's director of development.