Landlords reporting increase in tenants refusing to pay rent or leave
A property management company in Fergus is still cleaning up after they say a tenant trashed one of their units and refused to pay rent -- and they say it's not the only similar case they've dealt with recently.
A property management company in Fergus is still cleaning up after they say a tenant trashed one of their units and refused to pay rent.
E-Van Management looks after properties for what it calls “mom and pop landlords.” Jennifer Kamphuis with E-Van Management said in this case, it was a tenant who had lived in the building for years.
“They stopped paying rent last summer,” she said.
“We still did try to work with them – to get their rent paid and kind of keep their tenancy. Ultimately that’s what we want to do, is save tenancies as much as possible. But the tenant never responded to that.”
The company filed for eviction on Aug. 30, 2023. Ontario legislation forces all disputes to go through the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB).
“Our hearing was Feb. 1. We actually got the order on the 29th of February, which is fast considering how things are lately, but we didn’t actually manage to get the sheriff out until April 10,” Kamphuis said.
In total, it took almost eight months from when the eviction order was filed for the tenant to leave.