Labourer Digs Up A Fortune, Uncovers Rs 80-Lakh Diamond In Madhya Pradesh
Raju Gaud said he had been digging mud and sifting through it at a mine in Panna every day during the monsoon months for the past 10 years.
A labourer found a 19.22-carat diamond in a mine in Madhya Pradesh's Panna district on Wednesday which could fetch about Rs 80 lakh or more at the government auction, officials said.
Raju Gaud said when he set out in the morning to dig mud and sift through it, a daily routine in monsoon months for the past ten years, he hadn't imagined he would strike a fortune.
“I hope the amount earned (after the auction) will reduce my financial hardships and take care of my children's education,” Mr Gaud said.
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