Kurnool to distribute 47,000 quintals of groundnut seeds
The Hindu
Registrations for three-phase process likely to begin today
Kurnool district, which had witnessed a sharp rise in the area of groundnut sowing in 2020 kharif compared to 2019, proposes to distribute 47,000 quintals of K6 variety of seeds on 40% subsidy from May 17 at 491 RBKs in 31 mandals. Joint Director of Agriculture U. Umamaheswaramma told The Hindu that in 2020 the government had distributed 41,810 quintals of groundnut seeds to 48,223 farmers and the sown area was 94,498 hectares during the kharif due to good rains. The sown area in 2019 kharif was 79,000 hectares. There were 84,314 farmers who had sown groundnut in 2020. “We propose to open registrations for subsidised seeds from May 10 (Monday) in 198 RBKs (Rythu Bharosa Kendras) of the 31 mandals, where the groundnut crop is usually taken up. Registration will open in 171 RBKs on May 17 and on May 25 in 122 RBKs,” she said.More Related News