Kristi Noem slams Biden for getting every issue wrong: 'The George Costanza of politics'
Fox News
South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem called President Biden the 'George Costanza of politics,' warning against his 'radical' agenda ahead of the 2022 midterms
KRISTI NOEM: Joe Biden's like the George Costanza politics. Every single instinct he has is wrong. It's just incredible to me how he has completely made the wrong decision on every single issue. So the midterms can't come quick enough to put some kind of a brake on this agenda that they have. It's radical, it's leftist. Its goal is to remake the United States of America, and the only chance we have to stop them is a very, very successful midterm election that wins back the House, has a chance it at the Senate and really making sure this administration is crippled.