Kozhikode Corporation proposes final round of talks on STPs with protesters
The Hindu
The Kozhikode Corporation has agreed to hold one last round of talks with residents of Kothi and Avikkal Thodu following protests on Friday against the proposed sewage treatment plant (STP) projects at the two locations.
Mayor Beena Philip said the Corporation would not back down from the project. She said every effort would be made to convince people of the safety of the STPs.
The anti-STP protest committee of Kothi said its leaders would take part in talks though they were unlikely to be fruitful. The Corporation is holding talks with pre-conceived notions and is not ready to relent a bit. Hence, there is no point in discussions, the committee pointed out.
Meanwhile, the march by the local protest committee of Kothi to the Corporation office on Friday morning led to minor skirmishes. The police and protesters clashed after the latter attempted to block Corporation employees from entering the office. M.K. Raghavan, MP, inaugurated the protest.