Koffee With Karan 8: OGs (Goddesses) Zeenat Aman-Neetu Kapoor Discuss Crushes And More
Zeenat Aman and Neetu Kapoor have starred together in multiple films
Koffee With Karan always has the country's biggest stars spilling the beans on Bollywood's juiciest tales. In the upcoming episode, timeless divas Zeenat Aman and Neetu Kapoor will add vintage charm to Karan Johar's talk show. As per the promo, the dynamic duo talks about their on-screen collaborations in classics like The Great Gambler, Yaadon Ki Baaraat, Dharamveer, and Heeralal Pannalal. As the conversation picks up pace, KJo asks Zeenat about her wildest escapades from the '70s. Zeenat confesses, "I really did not party, but when the floodgates burst, they really did." Karan cannot resist adding a sly remark, asking, "Do you mean by the men that entered your life?" Zeenat plays the diplomatic card with a mischievous "No comment," leaving the trio in fits of laughter.
Next, Neetu Kapoor does a hilarious mimicry of Zeenat's temple visit. The winning moment of the promo, however, is when Karan asks Zeenat about a mysterious box. Karan asks, "Someone sent you a box in a box and said, 'Zeenie, the ball is in your court.' Can you reveal the name of that person who sent you that box?" Without missing a beat, Zeenat points straight at Neetu and says, "Part of their family."
Then, Karan turns the spotlight on Neetu and asks about her secret crush from the good old days. She said, "Shashi Kapoor." Karan cheekily follows up, "You were crushing on your uncle?" Neetu casually replies, "Ya." For the unversed, Neetu Kapoor was married to the late Rishi Kapoor. Rishi Kapoor's father, the legendary Raj Kapoor and Shashi Kapoor are brothers.