Know your English | What does ‘skunked’ mean? Premium
The Hindu
Learn about the origins of the word 'skunk' and 'piggy bank' and how they are used in English language.
When used as a noun, the word ‘skunk’ is mostly used to refer to the animal which squirts or sprays a foul-smelling liquid on its attacker. The smell is so bad that the attacker flees. The word is sometimes used with human beings as well. When you refer to an individual as a ‘skunk’, what you are suggesting is that he is rather unpleasant; he is disliked and not trusted by those around him.
There’s no way I’m inviting that skunk to the party.
Don’t believe anything that the skunk, Dilip, says.
Unlike in British English, Americans frequently use the word ‘skunk’ as a verb as well. When you say that the rival team ‘skunked’ you, what you mean is that they defeated you quite badly; it was an easy victory for them. In a game like football, it also suggests that your team failed to score a single goal.
Nobody expected Harish to skunk Sanjay in straight sets.
I don’t know why we get skunked in the final every time.
The expression ‘drunk as a skunk’ is used in informal contexts to mean ‘very drunk’.