Kingstonians gather to view coronation ceremony
Global News
Kingstonians were no exception Saturday as the world's eyes trained on England, where Charles III was crowned King.
Loyalists and monarchists dressed to the nines and gathered at the Renaissance to watch Prince Charles become King Charles III.
“I’m a pretty strong monarchist, and I think the monarchy is something important,” said David Woods, who travelled to Kingston from Ottawa for the viewing.
“It’s wonderful, I think this is lovely, very lovely. I’m very glad to be a part of it,” added Sharon Knott, another coronation viewer.
Those in attendance busted out their Sunday best for the event that featured a viewing of the recorded coronation, as well as food and drinks.
“There’s a demand for this. As you can see, there’s about 85 people here today, so people are really interested in participating and celebrating together, and this is a once in a lifetime opportunity,” said Paul Fortier, the owner of Renaissance, which played host to the royal viewing party.
Ahead of the viewing, people chatted and milled about, but when the recording began playing, a silence fell over the entire area as people were glued to the screen.
One attendee says she’s all for the monarchy, especially when it comes to their support for Canada and Canadians.
“He’s been to … pretty much every part of Canada, and he’ll continue to come, and I think, like his mother, has already and will have a strong bond with Canada,” said Lisa Chisholm-Smith.