Kingston food bank sets 35,000-lb goal for one-day food blitz
Global News
Partners in Mission Food Bank executive director Dan Irwin says food bank use has increased in the community. Eighty families use the bank on average every day it is open.
The Partners in Mission Food Bank has been serving the Kingston community since 1984, and the Spring Food Blitz has been one of the largest food drives and fundraisers for the charitable organization since day one.
The food bank says the one-day event on Saturday was essential for the food bank in its battle against food insecurity.
Volunteers were spread out across the city at 11 different grocery stores in the area, collecting much-needed food and money donations.
“Last year was a record for us,” says Dan Irwin, executive director for Partners in Mission Food Bank.
“We helped over 7,200 people, and this year, we’re 6.6 per cent above what we did last year, as of the end of March. In March alone we helped 3,409 people.”
Food price inflation is a leading cause that has led more people to look to the food bank to feed themselves and their families.
The food bank has set a goal of 35,000 pounds of food for the one-day event. The success of the food blitz is critical to the Partners in Mission Food Bank’s ability to meet the need of the community over the summer months.
While the demand remains the same, donations traditionally slow down.