Kingston East Community Centre on track to open in early 2022
Global News
Construction for the Kingston East Community Centre is on track, with the new hub expected to be in use by early next year, the city says.
The new community hub in the east end of Kingston, Ont., is getting closer to completion.
In an update Friday, city staff said the community centre in Grenadier Park along Highway 15 remains on track to open early next year.
Kingston’s east-end doesn’t currently have a central gathering place for the community, but has been pushing for one for quite some time.
Council is also being asked to sign partnership agreements with a handful of agencies to offer programming and services at the centre — including the Boys and Girls Club, YMCA, a seniors association and Loving Spoonful.
With a collection of community partners, the hub will provide services to all ages, such as drop-in gym activities, a fitness centre, children’s pre-school programs, youth and seniors arts programs and cooking classes.
The centre will also have a splash pad and outdoor rink.