Kings County man faces 11 charges, including assault on police officer
A 33-year-old man from Kings County, P.E.I., is in custody after a series of events Wednesday that left a police officer hurt and a cruiser damaged, RCMP say.
The man is scheduled to appear in court Friday morning to face 11 charges in all, according to a news release issued Thursday.
RCMP media relations officer Cpl. Gavin Moore said the officer who was hurt during the arrest was taken to hospital for treatment and "is expected to have a full recovery from that injury."
He wouldn't specify what the injury was for privacy reasons, but pointed out that the charge that was laid covers assaults that cause "bodily harm that goes beyond a transient or trifling nature." He also said that if a weapon had caused the injury, a different charge would have been laid.
The string of events began at 10:50 a.m. Wednesday, when Kings District RCMP were called about an alleged assault at a home. The suspect had left on foot before they got there, the release said.
"Police continued to search for this individual throughout the day," Moore said.
At some point Wednesday, the release said, the man is believed to have broken into a garage and stolen some items.
When a team of at least three officers eventually tracked down the suspect in Murray Harbour at 7:25 p.m., RCMP say he "resisted arrest and struck an officer, causing injuries" and "damaged a police vehicle once in custody."
The charges the man faces are: