Kerala University goof up: Student receives answer key instead of question paper, exam cancelled
India Today
A Kerala University student received the answer key to a BSc re-exam instead of the question paper. The exam has now been cancelled and will be held again.
Kerala University has made a major goof-up again. A student attending re-examination of the BSc Electronics paper ‘Signals and Systems’ due to Covid-19 received the answer key instead of the question paper.
Instead of clarifying the issue with officials, the student filled out the answer book and submitted the same. The major lapse only came to light after the evaluator identified the mistake on the part of the university.
The re-exam was canceled, and another re-examination will again be held on May 3 now.
The re-examination of the exam was held in February after a fourth semester BSc Electronics student could not attend the scheduled exam due to Covid-19 infection.
The Office of Controller of Examinations printed the answer keys of the exam by mistake. It came to the attention of the university when the evaluator asked for a question paper in addition to the answer book of the student and the answer key he received.
Neither the student nor the invigilator had reported the matter during the exam. It is not clear if the invigilator was aware of the mistake. The vice-chancellor ordered an inquiry after the university cancelled the exam.