Kerala High Court directive disallows erection of flagpoles in public space without proper permission
The Hindu
Justice Devan Ramachandran, while dealing with a case against putting up flag masts on the Mannam Sugar Mill premises in Pandalam, said that the culture of putting up flag mast by influential political parties and other associations had permeated the society deeply
Observing that allowing to put up illegal flagpoles by political parties or such other associations presented a complete breakdown of the law, the Kerala High Court on Monday ordered the State Government and other authorities not to permit installation of new flagpoles or posts on public places and roads without obtaining permission from the competent authorities.
Justice Devan Ramachandran, while dealing with a case against putting up flag masts on the Mannam Sugar Mill premises in Pandalam, said that the culture of putting up flag mast by influential political parties and other associations had permeated the society deeply. Political and other similar flag masts were being installed across the length and breadth of the State without any respite.