Kerala braces for yet another season of infectious diseases
The Hindu
Kerala Health Minister warns of peak in infectious diseases, urges preparedness and precautions to prevent loss of lives.
Kerala is bracing for yet another season when all infectious diseases, including vector-borne and water or food-borne diseases are expected to peak and any indifference or slackening in preparedness and adoption of precautions can lead to loss of lives, according to Health Minister Veena George.
In a statement issued here on Friday following a meeting of Health department officials, Ms. George said all departments had to undertake preparedness measures for the upcoming monsoon season in a coordinated manner as the intense heat wave that was being experienced by the State and the summer showers that had followed could possibly lead to an unusual spike in all infectious diseases in the next few months.
All local-self government bodies would have to take up sanitation activities in a sustained manner. Sanitation of public places and hostels should be ensured utilising the provisions in the Kerala Public Health Act of 2023. All wells and other drinking water sources should be chlorinated. Food safety checks should be intensified and water sources in schools should be checked to ensure that these were safe to drink, it was directed at the meeting .
At the meeting, in which all district health administration officials were present, it was decided that fever clinics be started in all hospitals and that all treatment protocols be put in place. Beds should be set aside in isolation wards. Hospitals should check their drug stock and take measures for replenishing the stock as soon as the drug stocks dipped to 30%.
Ms. George said any non-compliance with directives issued by the department in keeping premises and public water sources clean wouldl be dealt under the Public Health Act
The Minister said secondary infections were being reported in many who contracted hepatitis A, which could turn dangerous. Those affected by hepatitis should necessarily take rest for six weeks and follow the health advisory issued by public health officials.
All districts had been asked to intensify public awareness measures, including announcements over public address systems.