Keeping kids safe from cannabis edibles on Halloween
Global News
It is not common for cannabis candy to turn up on Halloween, but it has been known to happen in British Columbia in recent years.
Parents are being reminded to take a little extra time to check their children’s candy, as the province marks the third Halloween since cannabis edibles became legal.
It is not common for cannabis candy to turn up on Halloween, but it has been known to happen in British Columbia.
In 2018, they were accidentally handed out to a Victoria trick-or-treater, and Delta police announced charges against two people earlier this week who allegedly handed them out at Halloween 2020. In both cases, the cannabis candy was spotted by alert parents.
In a warning issued Friday, B.C.’s Ministry of Public Safety said parents should keep a particularly sharp eye out for unlicenced cannabis candy.
Legal cannabis edibles are strictly limited in dosage (maximum 10 milligrams per package) and to plain packaging.
The province warns that illegal products could have brightly-coloured packaging that mimics popular candies, and can also contain much higher doses of THC, the psychoactive chemical in marijuana.
Kayley Nelson, assistant manager with Vancouver’s Evergreen Cannabis, said adults who have edibles in their home should take precautions to keep them secure.
“Keep it locked away, keep it out of reach,” she said.