Kathivakkam residents want garbage point to be shifted
The Hindu
CHENNAI Residents ofKathivakkaminEnnore, north Chennai, haveurged the Greater Chennai Corporation to shift a garbage transfer point from near the local marketwhere vegetables and provisions are sold.“
Residents ofKathivakkaminEnnore, north Chennai, haveurged the Greater Chennai Corporation to shift a garbage transfer point from near the local marketwhere vegetables and provisions are sold.“The tricycles and mobile bins are brought here daily. It is a central point.Thepiled up garbage causes a permanent stench and attractsinsects to the area. There is agovernmentschool100 m away from this place and the childrentoosufferfrom this health hazard,”said G. Gunasekaran ofNettukuppam.
Residents of at least seven residential localities, including Nehru Nagar, Sathya Nagar, Sivan Padai VeeduKuppamand Bhadrakali Nagar shop at this market and have to pass by it to reach their homes. “We have been demanding that the dump yard be shifted. Similarly, the conservancy staffsegregate, dump andburn garbage near theKathivakkamroad over bridge, which should also be stopped. Our area is already polluted and the burning only adds to it,” said P.Anbuchezhianof Nehru Nagar.