Karl Rove: The media's persistent double standard is becoming dangerous
Fox News
The media faces a growing crisis of confidence.
One is the June 7 Washington Post story by Yeganeh Torbati on Republican governors who ended the $300-a-week unemployment bonus originally set to run through Sept. 6. They acted after local businesses reported difficulty finding workers. More evidence came in April, when job vacancies hit 9.3 million while only 6.6 million Americans were looking for work. It has long been an iron rule that the mainstream media doesn’t treat liberals with the same scrutiny as conservatives. What’s different is how open, persistent and routine this double standard is today—and how dangerous that is. Ms. Torbati’s piece was titled "GOP governors are cutting unemployment aid. Some have ties to businesses that may benefit." She unsubtly accused four governors of ending the benefits to enrich themselves, since they or their families own businesses that are looking for workers. These include resorts, an agricultural enterprise and an air-conditioning wholesaler, the last with 19 employees.More Related News