Kareena Kapoor in a Rs 40k chic black t-shirt is all about casual and comfy fashion. Pics here
India Today
Kareena Kapoor stepped out wearing a comfy black t-shirt and shorts.
Kareena Kapoor is already redefining her 2022 with the tagline-casual and comfy. Her red pyjama set from New Year’s Eve has already wowed the fashion police. Now, Kareena was snapped arriving at Manish Malhotra’s house wearing a chic black t-shirt with a comfy pair of shorts.
Kareena stepped out wearing a comfy black t-shirt and shorts. She carried a tote bag and completed her look with a pair of white chunky sneakers. Kareena wore her hair in a ponytail and accessorised with a sleek wrist watch.
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