Kal Penn Speaks To Newsy About Upcoming Book Release
The actor recently announced he's engaged to his longtime partner, Josh. Watch the full interview at 8 p.m. ET Friday on Newsy Tonight.
CHANCE SEALES: "So, you met your soon-to-be husband, Josh, in a D.C. bar. You had this nice, low-key bar, low-key guy – Mississippi accent – you fall in love over beer and koozies –— he brought one for you on date No. 2, which kinda sealed the deal. How does it feel to fling the door open after 11 years together and actually tell the world about it?"
KAL PENN: "The bar that you mentioned — I wish it was still there — it's called Townhouse Tavern, between DuPont and Logan. It was a townhouse. The bottom two levels were a dive bar, and I think, if I remember correctly, in order to get to the apartments upstairs, you had to walk through the bar, so there were people who actually lived upstairs who, everyday, you'd see them coming home from work — it was just one of those super-quirky D.C. places that I wish still existed. But yeah, like you said, we met for a drink and then our second date was supposed to be: 'Just come over Sunday afternoon.' I was a White House aide at the time, so Sundays are kinda your only day that you can really stay home and either work from home or take time off, do your laundry, all that. So he rolls up with an 18-pack of Coors Light and I had Spongebob Sqaurepants on the TV because I'm a romantic. And he changes the channel, puts on the NASCAR race and then puts the rest of the beers in the fridge. I was like 'Did this just happen, unironically?' I grew up outside of New York City — we don't really watch NASCAR — and this guy from Mississippi rolls into my apartment, touches my TV and puts it on NASCAR so I was immediately was like, 'Well, obviously, this isn't gonna work out. He brought 18 beers and there's gonna be 16 left that he can take with him.'