Judge green-lights narrowing of main road through Atlantic City despite opposition from casinos
ABC News
A judge has given a green light to a controversial plan to reduce the width of Atlantic City's main street from four lanes to two
ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. -- Atlantic City got a green light Friday to proceed with a project to reduce the width of its main street from four lanes to two, despite fears from casinos and a hospital that the plan could tie the city into gridlocked knots, scare away gamblers and delay emergency vehicles.
Superior Court Judge Michael Blee rejected arguments from five casinos and a hospital that the half-finished project to narrow Atlantic Avenue in the name of pedestrian safety could cause irreparable harm if allowed to be completed.
The judge said no one has yet been hurt by the project, which began last month, during the resort's slowest period of the year. He added that if opponents of the plan ultimately prevail in court, the road can simply be restriped and put back the way it used to be.
“The court does not consider the personal inconvenience of residents and visitors to be irreparable harm,” he said.
Mayor Marty Small said the city received $24 million in federal and state funding that will pay for newly paved roads and sidewalks, and new street lights and synchronized traffic lights.