JPMorgan bankers act chummy despite brutal battle to succeed Jamie Dimon
NY Post
JPMorgan Chase is bending over backwards to show that a pair of bankers racing to succeed Jamie Dimon are happy with the arrangement — but not everybody on Wall Street is buying it.
Marianne Lake and Jennifer Piepszak — who last week were named co-heads of the mega-bank’s consumer lending and community banking businesses, effectively launching a contest to decide its next chief executive — appeared in a Zoom town hall broadcast last Thursday as a few hundred of JPMorgan’s top bankers looked on, sources told The Post. Seated next to each other at the mega-bank’s headquarters at 270 Park Ave. in Midtown Manhattan, the top-ranking finance execs — each of them 51 years old — were chummy and chatty, kept the conversation light and touched on how they were even friends socially, according to a source close to JPMorgan.More Related News