Joe Concha: Mainstream media 'rush to motive' in Atlanta shootings 'dangerous game to play'
Fox News
Fox News contributor Joe Concha criticized mainstream media coverage of last week's Atlanta-area spa shootings Monday, telling "The Story" that "this isn't about following feelings, this is about following the facts."
But when you listen to the gunman, when he says this was a sexual addiction, to eliminate temptation, kind of a religion-fueled shame, and then he has others corroborate that, those are the facts in front of us right now. Yet you have Trevor Noah, you can say he's a comedian. Why are we listening to him? If you watch late night comedy, it's morphing into cable news. He said [on Twitter] "The Atlanta shooter blamed a specific race of people for his problems and murdered them because of it. If that's not racism then [the] word has no meaning." The problem is the gunman never blamed a specific race. Before you say, 'Who cares what Trevor Noah has to say?', one video clip was watched by 1.2 million in addition to who watched him on his show. Then when you see The New York Times and The Washington Post and other cable news networks immediately assign a hate crime to this, the result is the farce becomes fact. Gallup had a poll out last year that said that 84% of the American people think the media bears the blame for the divide in this country. This could be exhibit A. There could be a racial motive, but as of now, we don't have one.More Related News