Joe Biden courts hate against America with his agenda on the Israel-Hamas war
NY Post
It was Al-Quds Day last Friday.
To celebrate the occasion, protesters in Dearborn, Mich., chanted “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” while a speaker named Tarek Bazzi declared the United States — a place that’s afforded him the liberty to openly support rapists, murderers and terrorists — one of the “rottenest countries” on the planet.
“It’s the entire system that has to go,” he explained to cheers of, what I assume, were American citizens.
As commentator Seth Mandel noted on X, there’s Charlottesville every other day in America, and barely anyone on the left cares.
Most progressives, let’s face it, either tacitly or openly support these days of rage.
Al-Quds Day, a kind of international Islamic Nuremberg Rally, was conceived by Ayatollah Khomeini and his gang during the Islamic Revolution, only a few months before Iranians murdered eight US servicemen and took 66 American hostages in 1979.