Jill Biden targets GOP with story of helping friend after abortion when it was illegal: 'Devastating'
Fox News
First lady Jill Biden said she helped a friend during the aftermath of an abortion when it was illegal in Pennsylvania in the 1960s
"To end the pregnancy, she told me that her only recourse was to undergo a psychiatric evaluation that would declare her mentally unfit before the doctor would perform the procedure," Biden said. She did not identify the friend. Andrew Mark Miller is a writer at Fox News. Find him on Twitter @andymarkmiller and email tips to AndrewMark.Miller@Fox.com.
"I went to see her in the hospital and then cried the whole drive home," Biden said, adding that her friend couldn’t go home after she got out of the hospital, so Biden asked her mother to let her friend stay with them. Her mom agreed, she said, and "she never told a soul, including, as far as I know, my dad."