JESSE WATTERS: The Democrats have three plays left
Fox News
Fox News host Jesse Watters said Democrats have three options for how to handle President Biden's mental decline as the 2024 election nears. He asks, "which one is it?"
JESSE WATTERS: That was the best Biden looked all night because a few minutes later, the president stopped moving and Obama had to escort him off the stage... That's nothing new. Biden has been pulled around like a puppet his whole presidency. Even the Easter Bunny tells Joe where to go. None of those videos were deceptively edited to make Joe look frail or confused. Just that's the way he looks, always. But the Democrat media matrix says these videos are a vast right wing conspiracy. They're saying what we just showed you is disinformation. This article was written by Fox News staff.
But Biden couldn't remember when he was vice president. Forgive Trump for not remembering one of the thousands of people who interviewed him. The hoaxes aren't hitting. Which is why option two could be the wild card. The Washington Post is suggesting replacing Kamala Harris with Hillary Clinton ready, and arguably a significant obstacle to a Biden win is Kamala Harris, whose low popularity has not been improved by her lackluster performance as vice president. We are left to speculate about motive, but the effect of Clinton inserting herself into the news cycle is to remind voters that, but for her defeat in 2016, we wouldn't be stuck in this old white men dilemma. No one has mentioned her as a possible running mate for Biden, as far as I know. But why not replace Harris with Clinton? At 76, she might want no part of it, but it's hard to retire when you feel your job isn't done. Option three. Daily Mail reporter Charlie Spiering says he's hearing rumblings that there could be a secret Democrat plot to replace Biden this summer. The Democrat Avengers: Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have deliberately thrown down the gauntlet for an early debate to stress test sleepy. So Democrats have three plays left. Which one is it?