Jesse Watters: If I were a homeless person in America, I'd be upset
Fox News
Jesse Watters and "The Five" discuss how the bused-in migrants to NYC are lining up to receive free health care, phones and food on taxpayer dollars.
JESSE WATTERS: If I were a homeless person in America, I'd be upset because I used to be the toast of the town in Manhattan. Remember, de Blasio is letting me stay in hotels for free. Joe is sending me free crack pipes. I mean, I could do pretty much whatever I wanted. I could light the Fox News Christmas tree on fire and walk out the next day from jail. No bail. And now, all of a sudden, there's like some better-looking person in town that the Democrats are just falling all over. They're giving them free health care. They're doing interviews. They get the new Biden phone. I'm still stuck with the old Obama phone. It doesn't even work. I actually saw a homeless guy today on the Upper East Side with a phone, and he was in a sleeping bag. It was like an RV sleeping bag. It was a really nice sleeping bag. They shouldn't have all this kind of stuff.