Jake Tapper's teenage daughter says she "almost died" after misdiagnosis that left her "helpless, hunchbacked, green"
As Alice Tapper lay in a hospital bed with chills, low blood pressure and a "throbbing feeling" in her stomach, her doctors stood around her "confused." It wasn't until days later, when the pain was dramatically worse and only Tylenol and a heating pad were provided to help, that the teenage daughter of CNN journalist Jake Tapper says she was finally diagnosed – a delay she says was nearly fatal.
Tapper, now 15, penned an op-ed for CNN about this experience, which she says occurred around Thanksgiving of 2021.
During one weekend that November, she said she developed some stomach cramps, a low fever, chills and vomiting. By the time she got to the emergency room a short time later, her blood pressure had dropped, her heart rate was elevated and her white blood cell count and abdominal pain were increasing.