Jack Dorsey trash talks Web 3, gets blocked by his VC friends on Twitter
India Today
New technologies bring new dramas and the latest in the world of Silicon Valley centres around the concept of Web 3 to which Twitter founder Jack Dorsey has taken an immense dislike. He has virtually called Web 3 a scheme through which venture capitalists want to fool people.
A day ago, Twitter founder Jack Dorsey, who is no longer CEO at the website, launched a surprise attack on the concept that many have dubbed Web 3. Essentially, Web 3 as a concept is made of cryptocurrency, NFTs, virtual reality and other associated technologies that are supposed to decentralise the internet and give power back to users. But Dorsey is not convinced. He virtually called Web 3 a scam to hoodwink users and said that it was fuelled by greedy companies and venture capitalists. The shots were fired and the Twitter fight started. The latest in that is that Dorsey has been blocked by Marc Andreessen, an influential venture capitalist and part of Silicon Valley elites, on the website that Dorsey founded.
Jack Dorsey responded to Andreessen's move with his usual nonchalance that he put in his tweets. He said, “I’m officially banned from web3.”