‘IT sector will help industries to become globally competitive’
The Hindu
State govt. is taking steps to train people and bridge skill gap, says Minister
At the valedictory session of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) Connect 2021, Information and Technology Minister T. Mano Thangaraj said the Information Technology sector will enable other industries to become globally competitive.
Therefore, the Tamil Nadu government is taking many steps towards bridging the gap in information and communications technology (ICT) skills and training people to become technologically savvy.
IT Secretary Neeraj Mittal said this edition of the CII Connect 2021 mainly focused on start-ups and the need for the government to help them in the creation of jobs for the unemployed youth. He emphasised the need for innovation in all types of technologies, and commented that deep tech is altogether a different technology with so many challenges that are to be addressed by entrepreneurs.
Chennai has two categories of Black kites: a larger group heading to the city from the western parts of India during the south west monsoon and heading back when the monsoon is past; and another group, smaller and resident, which would make minor movements in and around Chennai looking for an optimal atmosphere for nesting and raising the young. A couple of pylons in Perumbakkam suggest that Black kites have found an ideal nesting space there
This is part of the Karnataka Namakarana Suvarna Mahotsava celebrations organised to mark the naming of the State as ‘Karnataka’ during the tenure of the late D. Devaraj Urs. The statue, sculpted at an approximate cost of ₹21.24 crore, is 41-foot-tall including the pedestal and weighs around 31.5 tonnes.