'It’s just been progressively getting worse': Owner speaks out after suspect caught on camera breaking into central London, Ont. bakery
A London, Ont. business owner is speaking out Saturday after her bakery was once again broken into — and she’s calling for the city and police to come together to address what she believes is an increasing problem.
A London, Ont. business owner is speaking out Saturday after her bakery was once again broken into — and she’s calling for the city and police to come together to address what she believes is an increasing problem.
Rebecca Hamilton is the owner of Chick Boss Cake, and she discovered her bakery, located on Wellington Street, was broken into Friday night. Surveillance video depicts an unmasked man approach the bakery and look at the security camera, come back wearing a mask, and then smash the door by repeatedly throwing a brick.
Hamilton said various items were stolen during the break and enter, and it’s not the first time this has happened.
“This has happened over the last two years probably five to 10 times with the glass being smashed, and then on separate occasions, our vehicles being damaged or vandalized as well,” she said.
Hamilton said her new security cameras, which she installed following the last break in, and the fact that the suspect at first approached the bakery unmasked, are what led to his arrest on Saturday.
However, London police have not yet confirmed this information.
“They said he’s going to be charged and then he’ll be back on the streets by dinner time and doing this to another business,” said Hamilton.