It pays to have a valuer
The Hindu
Ascertaining technical soundness, actual built-up area, and arriving at fair market value of the property are important aspects of technical evaluation of the property. By R.P. Deshpande
A large majority of people who decide to buy a property, after collecting photocopies/scanned copies of documents, rush to an advocate to get a legal report to ascertain whether the seller has legal title to the property and is competent to sell it Seldom buyers consult a chartered engineer/valuer to seek technical evaluation of the property. In reality, the technical evaluation is as important as title verification.
Even after title clearance is obtained by an expert property advocate, if you are missing the technical evaluation conducted by a seasoned engineer/valuer, you would be inviting many risks such as:
Wrong identification of the property leading to buying a property of not your choice.
Constructing your dream home on somebody’s site – leading to disputes, litigations, and chances of losing the dream home.
Selecting a property that is not approved by the competent authorities
Lesser site area, thus losing out heavily on the price of the property
Actual built-up area could be much less than the recorded area in the document