‘It looks scary, but they’re harmless’: Bees removed from Winnipeg street light
A swarm of bees living in a lamppost in Winnipeg’s Sage Creek neighbourhood has found a new home for its hive.
A swarm of bees living in a lamppost in Winnipeg’s Sage Creek neighbourhood has found a new home for its hive.
After gathering in and around the streetlight for nearly two weeks, the bees were safely removed Wednesday by Manitoba Hydro crews and Ray Giguere – the proprietor of Giguere Honey Farms.
“I’ve never seen one on a lamppost,” Giguere told CTV News Saturday.
“My initial reaction was they’ll probably be gone in a day or so because, you know, they weren’t protected,” he said. However, after further inspection, Giguere realized the bees found a way to crawl inside the light fixture.
“I told the city these are just going to get worse over time,” Giguere recalled. “They’re inside the light, they’re going to build up honeycomb, the queen’s going to start laying eggs, the bees are going to bring in honey.
“By the looks of it, they’re not going away for whatever reason, I guess,” he said.