ISRO’s orbit raising operations for NVS-02 satellite disrupted by valve malfunction
The Hindu
ISRO unable to raise orbit of NVS-02 satellite due to valve malfunction, exploring alternate navigation strategies in elliptical orbit.
The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has been unable to perform the intended orbit raising operations for the NVS-02 satellite due to a valve malfunction. The NVS-02, the second satellite in the NVS series, was launched by the ISRO on January 29 as part of its landmark 100th launch from Sriharikota.
The space agency on Sunday said that the orbit raising operations towards positioning the satellite to the designated orbital slot could not be carried out as the valves for admitting the oxidiser to fire the thrusters for orbit raising did not open.
The ISRO was supposed to carry out the orbit raising operations after the launch, but has been unable to perform the manoeuvres due to the glitch. The operations were to be executed by the Master Control Facility at Hassan in Karnataka.
“The satellite systems are healthy and the satellite is currently in elliptical orbit. Alternate mission strategies for utilising the satellite for navigation in an elliptical orbit is being worked out,” the ISRO said in a statement.
The space agency said the NVS-02 navigation satellite was successfully injected into the intended Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit.
“All the launch vehicle stages performed flawlessly and the orbit was achieved with a high degree of precision. Subsequent to the launch, the solar panels on board the satellite were successfully deployed and power generation is nominal. Communication with the ground station has been established,” the space agency said on Sunday.
NVS-02 is configured with navigation payload in L1, L5 and S bands, in addition to ranging payload in C-band, like its predecessor, NVS-01.

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