ISB PGP ranks #1 in India: ISB programmes rankings
India Today
Indian School of Business (ISB) is ruling the chart in two prestigious global MBA rankings ISB’s PGP remained at its position to be ranked #1 in India.
ISB PGP ranking: The Indian School of Business (ISB) has topped the chart among the Indian business schools in two prestigious global rankings. ISB's Post Graduate Programme in Management (PGP) has been ranked #32 globally in the Financial Times (FT) Global MBA 2022 ranking, and ISB has been ranked #11 globally in the Poets & Quants (P&Q) composite ranking of the top international MBA programmes 2021-2022.
In the Financial Times (FT) Global MBA 2022 ranking, ISB has been ranked #1 in India and #4 in Asia. Alumni from the PGP Class of 2018 were surveyed for this year's ranking. ISB is ranked #1 globally in terms of salary increases. This top-ranking underlines that ISB offers students a fulfilling and rewarding career path.
ISB's efforts and initiatives in fostering gender diversity in all its programmes have started to shine as the 38% of female students in the surveyed class is the highest number compared with other FT 2022 ranked schools in India.
ISB has been ranked #11 globally in the Poets & Quants (P&Q) composite ranking of the top international MBA programmes of 2021-2022.
ISB ranks #1 among Indian B schools.
P&Q ranks programmes based on data gained from popular and influential ranking sources.