Is It The Right Time To Buy A Fallen Angel Like Zomato?
Find out what investors should do with stocks like Zomato.
"When we were born, the odds were over 30-to-1 against being born in the United States. Just winning that portion of the lottery, was an enormous plus. We wouldn't be worth a damn in Afghanistan".
These were the words of legendary investor Warren Buffett when he was asked about the role of luck in investing and life. While I couldn't agree more to what he said, Buffett was born in the year 1930 and grew up in the 1950s which coincidently were the best years of the USA.
Well, let's fast-forward to 2021...
Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon, when asked about the prospects of India, remarked, "I predict that the 21st century is going to be the Indian century".
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