Invading Ukraine will prove to be a self-inflicted wound: Biden warns Putin
Zee News
"World War Two was a war of necessity. But if Russia attacks Ukraine, it would be a war of choice," the US President said.
New Delhi: US President Joe Biden on Tuesday (local time) warned Russian President Vladimir Putin that invading Ukraine will prove to be a 'self-inflicted wound' and asked him to step back from war.
In a nationally televised speech, Biden spoke starkly of the 'needless death and destruction' Moscow could cause and international outrage Putin would face and said that the United States is 'prepared no matter what happens'.
"If Russia does invade in the days or weeks ahead, the human cost for Ukraine will be immense, and the strategic cost for Russia will also be immense. If Russia attacks Ukraine, it’ll be met with overwhelming international condemnation. The world will not forget that Russia chose needless death and destruction. Invading Ukraine will prove to be a self-inflicted wound," he said.