Inter first year results released; 49% pass
The Hindu
Girls register 55% pass and boys 42%
The first year Intermediate results released on Thursday saw 49% of candidates clearing the exams in the general stream with girls again performing much better than boys registering 55% passes as against 42% of boys.
Out of the 2,04,537 girls who appeared 1,12,580 passed while out of the 2,05,374 boys who took the exam only 87,206 could clear. The exams were conducted from October 25 to November 3 in 1768 examination centres.
Among those who passed 1,02,808 secured A Grade (Greater than or equal to 75% marks); 55,707 secured B Grade (Greater than or equal to 60% and less than 75% marks); 26,988 secured C Grade(Greater than or equal to 50% and less than 60% marks) and 14,283 secured D Grade (Greater than or equal to 35% and less than 50% marks). The results are available on https://tsbie.cgg.gov.in; http://examresults.ts.nic.in and http://results.cgg.gov.in and students can download their Memorandum of Marks with Photo and signature from 5 pm on December 17. In case of any complaint or discrepancies found in the results students can approach the BIE through concerned college principals.